Saturday, August 30, 2008

Safely Home- Day 5

Well, they all made it back safely!! Thank you so much for your prayers!!! The old vans made it all the way back with just a few hiccups and no stranding.;) Joel is catching up on a week's worth of missed sleep; we are trying to be patient waiting for him. ;-)
So I have to share a story about God's provision from last week.....
On Tuesday, I sat down and balanced the checkbook and paid rent. And put all the rest of the bills back in the drawer b/c we had to money to pay them yet- and I had no idea where we were going to get the money with Joel missing a full week of work. Joel and I talked about it- prayed- and went on with our week. Yesterday, Friday, I had to go grocery shopping. I sat down, tried to figure out what we absolutely needed and what we could go without for awhile. Daisy went out and brought in the mail as I was getting my purse. I glanced at it before we left, opened a letter, and promptly burst into tears. God is so amazing. His timing is perfect, and His care for us beyond imagination. In that letter (from some amazing people who walk with the Lord) was a check. For the amount we needed to make up from Joel missing work. We got all the groceries we needed.
Thank you. Without your prayers and support, we wouldn't be making it very far.
God is good. All the time.

1 comment:

Knittingmama said...

That is just amazing. We have had that happen so many times. There have been times when we needed food, and Jim's great-uncle would call and say that he had a box of food to give to us. It would always see us through until Jim got paid. God is truly great!