Monday, August 4, 2008

The continual need

Hello all,
Since my last post the fellow that I wrote about and gave scripture to has not yet returned to sk8church. I spoke to the staff about him at one of our regular meetings and we are continuing to pray for him.
These last few weeks have been quite a strain on my family as I have been working two jobs while trying to fulfill my duties at Sk8church. Needless to say, I let everyone down. My family suffered as I was gone all day working, my work suffered as I was over occupied and couldn't concentrate, and my ministry suffered as I was to brain dead to do much besides sit around and gawk.
Thank God, I have finished the second job, a side job (as of saturday night at about 11pm) , and will not be accepting any new side work as long as my current job holds out and my supporters don't quit.
For those of you who don't know my new job, I have been promoted to a building superintendent with the company I got hired on to about 7 months ago. I have been in the construction field for about 12 years, with 7 of those years involved in property management/maintainence. This job is the first job I have ever had that required me to sit at a desk in front of a computer and answer the phone for most of the day. The rest of my day is filled up with walking around and making sure that my buildings are up to snuff.
This job has been an answer to prayer as my body continued to degenerate under the load of heavy construction and skateboarding. Praise be to God!!
In other news, last week I was at a local Fred Meyer shopping for my family on my way home from work when a fellow shouted my name and stopped me. It was an old Skatechurch kid who I hadn't seen in a few years. We were able to catch up a bit, chat about his job at that same Fred Meyer store, and I was able to invite him to church!
I love running into these fellows around town. So many times on the various ministry nights I am unable to talk with them so it is great to see them out and about and talk with them one on one away from their skateboards.
Last night, me and my kids went outside to play on my mini ramp and soon noted that it had passed away without us noting it! Oh well, now I need to tear it down and throw it away so my kids don't get hurt on its various parts of decomposition.
Oh dear, it's 8am and I need to work now.

Pray for Canada trip,
pray for fruitful ministry night this tues.,
Thank you!

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