Thursday, October 9, 2008

Who's in charge here!!????

Hello again folks!
I wanted to drop you a line and let you know the happenings over at skatechurch as of late.

The tuesday night high school ministry has been going well. We have seen some more kids coming by due to the weather getting cold and rainy. There has also been a new crop of jr. high kids that have moved up to highschool. It has been great to meet these new folks,skate with them, and get to know them.
One new fellow who has just started to attend tells me that he spent his whole summer in Africa visiting his mother. I asked him what it was like to spend a summer in Africa. He said that he did alot of wandering around and playing with weird animals.
The interesting thing is that the first night he came by the talk was a kind of open forum where the kids asked two staff members any questions they had regarding the Bible and christianity or anything else they had on their wee little hearts. The Africa kid asked a really important question: "Does God send the African bushman to hell if the bushman never hears the Gospel of Jesus Christ?"
Everyones ears pearked up in anticipation of the answer. What would the staff say? I know I was on the edge of my seat for the reply.
The high school intern, Dave, calmly responded, " That is a really good question. What do you think?" The kid said that he thought that it would be wrong for God to put someone in hell for being ignorant. Dave agreed, it would be wrong for a righteous and Holy God to condemn anyone to hell if that person had no opportunity to hear the gospel. Dave then did something very wise, he opened his Bible. He read from it passages about the sin nature of man, the duty of believers, the bent of mans heart, and the revelation of God to mankind. He also explained the fact that these bushmen are in this situation because at some point in the past their ancestors rejected the word of God and followed after gods of their own making. He then read passages speaking about the overwhelming mercy God has for us all in that He would that none perish but that all be saved.
The Africa kid had something to chew on now. Not just man's opinion but the word of God. Dave showed him that it does'nt matter what our opinion of morality is or what we think God should do, what matters is what the Bible says.
It's things like this that keep me motivated to work at Skatechurch. When ministry nights happen there, everyone gets convicted by the Bible teaching; both staff and student.
I believe that the ministry of Skatechurch is as relevant as ever.
We are living in a time of man centered opinion/morality is being taught in more and more places, including the church. How refreshing to hear the whole Bible taught, to skateboarders of all people, without any watering down of the message.
I invite you to come by and see what it is all about some night. The times and location are posted on the skatechurch website.
Hope to see you there!
Maby you will catch the bug and want to be a part of the ministry too!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this encouraging post.